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Showing posts from February, 2018


# NBSInvestigates Girls will do anything to get what they want , some will read books and pass and go peacefully and others will do all possible ways to get marks including offering their bodies for what they want.. Its Only when they don't get what they expected that they now call it sexual harassment.. Funny people.. Girls in Makerere University are beyond 18 years so everything is done out of consent. so they have control over some of these actions. Why don't they report the cases before the claimed harasser could sleep with them ? Why must they sleep with them first then they call it sexual harassment? NBS Television while you busy investigating get the story from the other side of life from the lecturers' view to really synchronize what happens What about those girls who pass with first class degrees. Are they sexually abused first? Makerere University is such a big university for you media guys to keep on playing around. It could ha...